Cultivate Entrepreneurship in Your Gifted Child


Does your child tend to prefer adults or older children over same-age playmates?

Does your child “dumb-down” in order to fit in?

If you answered yes to one or more of the questions above, you child would probably benefit from an individual intellectual and achievement evaluation by a qualified psychologist. Why is this important? Gifted children are fundamentally different and need help to learn social, interpersonal, and self-development skills. They need specific guidance and training.

It is interesting to note, however, that some of the very traits that make it more difficult for gifted children to relate to others can actually propel them to success as entrepreneurs. For example, we praise entrepreneurs for experimenting, doing things differently, and putting ideas together in ways that are unusual. Gifted children often possess these traits. While other children their age may not appreciate their out-of-the-box thinking, it will serve them well as they venture out on their own.

Consider, too, the focus of the gifted child. While they tend to have a wide range of interests, they are also able to zero in on the things that really pique their curiosity. They ask endless questions as they seek to understand everything they can on a particular topic. When a subject has captured their imagination, they have a long attention span and can concentrate intensely. Successful entrepreneurs similarly focus on, research, and develop a particular product or service. It is this focus that gives them an edge in the business world.

So how can you help utilize their gifts and cultivate an entrepreneurial spirit in your child? Consider these four ways:

1. Give your child the freedom to explore their passions and dreams.
Many entrepreneurs started their business with a dream and little else. So let your child dream. Let them set lofty goals for themselves. As they show a passion for something, try to show them how them how it could develop into a business. Internal motivation is an absolute necessity for an entrepreneur to achieve success, so encourage your children to find out what motivates them.

2. Help your child develop their unique gifts, talents, and abilities. Observe your child in different settings and take note of the activities in which they excel. Then try to link those activities to business ideas and topics. For example, if your child is really good at Monopoly, you could relate their love of the game to real-world job possibilities in finance or real estate. These conversations present ideas and open up dialogue. It also gives you a chance to gauge your child’s reactions to the idea of entrepreneurship.

3. Help your children start a business. This could be as simple as a lemonade stand, or any small venture your child is interested in. Explain the basics of what it takes to purchase supplies, how to set things up to sell, and how to price your product. Your child will not come away from it knowing all the ins and outs of running a business, but they will likely have a new understanding and enthusiasm for seeing how they can create something and make a profit.

4. Let them fail. The path to successful entrepreneurship is not a straight one. There are highs and lows, successes and failures. So let your gifted child learn what it feels like to fail. They may take failure harder than other children, as perfectionism is a strong trait in gifted children, but it is something they need to learn as early as possible. Model for them how they can stand back up, dust themselves off, and move forward. This resilience will serve them well in the future.

Parenting is hard, no matter what kind of child you are blessed with. If you could use some support and want to learn some new techniques you can use with your own, unique children, please contact my Jantzen Beach office. I also offer online therapy if that would better fit your busy schedule.

Stay Positive – Limit Your Exposure to the 24-Hour News Cycle

Counteract the effect of constant, negative news on your mood and outlook by limiting your exposure. There’s no question that there is a lot of a bad stuff happening in the world today. While it isn’t often pleasant to think about, it is good to be aware of what’s going on at local, national, and international levels. To get this information, we turn to the news. We listen to reports about crime, famine, war, political unrest, injustice, and terrorism. Simply hearing reports of people suffering is often enough to move us and touch our hearts.

But it is possible to watch too much news. Watching perpetually negative news can affect your mood, and your mood can go on to negatively affect your thinking and behavior. It can affect how you perceive events in your own life, how your brain remembers and processes memories, and how much you worry about your own specific problems. Have you noticed an increase in stress when you watch too much news?

Why does modern news reporting make us feel this way? Today, reporters don’t stop at simply reporting the news. They tend to sensationalize news stories. This happens when they emphasize any potential negative outcomes of a story, no matter how low the risk of those negative outcomes might be. In fact, I’ve been on the receiving end of sensationalized reporting and it can be incredibly harmful. (I’m putting the final touch on my new book where I reveal the whole story behind my negative PR experience. If you want to stay up-to-date with the release sign-up for my newsletter or follow me on Facebook.)

This emotional, sensational way of presenting the news is a direct result of the 24-hour news coverage cycle that exists today. Journalists and reporters no longer have a few moments or one column in a newspaper to impartially report what is happening. The advent of the television and, especially the internet has created an environment where news is reported almost immediately. Everyone has access to the same story, the same visuals. So how does a journalist stand out? They begin to evaluate the story, in an effort to make it have a personal impact on each individual viewer.

Unfortunately, “evaluating” the story quickly turns into “sensationalizing” the story. And that is where the problem lies. When the news runs 24 hours a day, journalists quickly fill that time with emotional reports that no longer have a direct bearing on the original, informative story.

So if you have noticed that you are having trouble staying positive, try putting a limit on your news consumption. Don’t just leave the news on all night or check it every five minutes on your smartphone. Watch enough news to know what’s going on and stay informed, but once it moves past the main story and becomes more negative, turn it off.

What can you do instead? Here are some ideas:

  • Get out and exercise.
    I’ve shared the link between exercise and mental health many times. If you want to stay positive and push out negativity, moderate exercise is a great way to do it.
  • Educate yourself. Watch an educational program, download a language-learning app, or practice a new skill.
  • Spend time with family and friends. How long has it been since you had a really in-depth conversation with a loved one? When we make these connections and have real conversations, they refresh us and help us stay positive.
  • Read a book. Reading is a great stress-reliever, helping your efforts to stay positive. Just make sure to choose reading material that is uplifting, rather than depressing.
No matter how you choose to fill your time, the important thing is to not allow negative news broadcasts exacerbate your own stress and anxiety. If you have taken the above steps, and you still struggle with negative thoughts, there could be a deeper problem. Please contact my office in Jantzen Beach to schedule an appointment. I can help you pinpoint where your negativity is coming from, and guide you to enjoying a more optimistic outlook. If you live out of the area, I also offer online therapy.

How to Find a Good Online Therapist

If you choose to pursue online therapy, there are specific steps you must take to ensure you work with a licensed therapist who can truly help you reach your goals. So you want to begin therapy. This is a worthwhile investment in yourself. As you examine different therapy options, you may conclude that online therapy is best for you. Maybe it is challenging to find someone in your area who can effectively help you, or perhaps your busy schedule makes it difficult to make it to a therapist’s office on a regular basis.

The wonders of technology have made it possible to find and get anything with the click of a button. Finding a therapist online has never been easier. Unfortunately, it has also never been easier for people to disguise who they really are and make claims that are unfounded or outright false. There are many so-called “therapists” online who lack the education, experience, and certifications to genuinely help you.

So what can you do? Make sure to follow these steps as you research online therapists:

  1. Verify their license. Did you know that the terms “therapist” and “psychotherapist” are not legally protected words in most states? This means anyone can claim to be a therapist and offer therapy services. A licensed therapist is trained and qualified to practice, and they are held to high standards of conduct. This is also gives you recourse if there are problems with your treatment. So make sure to check their license. A quick phone call or email to obtain the license number will do the trick. In most states you can verify the information online. And if they get defensive, that’s a big red flag!
  2. Ensure the site or app is HIPAA-compliant and secure. The beauty of therapy is that clients have a safe, private space to share their most personal stories, thoughts, and emotions. Privacy is an absolute necessity. So when looking at an online therapist, check that their website or app platform is completely secure. At minimum it should comply with HIPAA standards for patient privacy and confidentiality.
  3. Interview the therapist. Make sure you are comfortable with them and that their therapy style and personality work for you. Chat with them for a while to ensure they have the qualities you particularly need or value in a therapist. Also, take a look at what you see on your screen. Are they in a professional, private location or are they in a coffee shop? Are they dressed professionally? Is the camera adjusted where you can see them clearly or does it look like they are doing this for the first time?
  4. Ask questions. You are a paying customer. You have the right to understand the therapy offered and to clarify information that will influence your experience. Ask any and all questions you need to make an informed and comfortable decision.
  5. Trust your instincts. If, after following the above steps, you still don’t feel comfortable with them, trust your gut and move on! To get the most out of your therapy you have to feel completely comfortable and safe. Do what it takes to find that safe space with an online therapist.
I offer online therapy and have found many clients love the convenience of meeting with me from the comfort of their own home. In order to protect your confidentiality, I utilize HIPAA-compliant software. I also always conduct sessions in the privacy of my office. Note that online therapy is only available if you live in Oregon, Washington, or abroad. For patients in any other state, I offer remote education services. And please feel free to ask any questions!

Timeless Advice for Couples with the Entrepreneurial Spirit

Book cover - Entrepreneurial Couples Making It Work at Work and at Home When I was growing up, entrepreneurship was out of the ordinary. The norm was that you’d get a job with a company and stay there until you retired.Later when companies downsized and people lost their secure positions, many had to get creative and make jobs. The entrepreneurial lifestyle took off like a rocket. Men and women individually became entrepreneurs. But what really interested me was that men and women in romantic relationships ventured into the entrepreneurial arena together.

Over the years, these entrepreneurial couples have stumbled through the challenges without much of a roadmap. So they didn’t have a lot of wisdom to pass onto the next generation. They were still trying to figure it out by trial and error. Helping these couples that kept appearing in my office for marriage counseling is what motivated me to write my book in 1998, Entrepreneurial Couples Making It Work at Work and at Home.

What about the state of entrepreneurship today, almost 20 years later?

According to the Kaufmann Foundation, in their 2015 State of Entrepreneurship Study, baby boomers (born between 1946 and 1964) are twice as likely to launch a new business compared to millennials.

Baby boomers who worked for corporate America are turning to entrepreneurship rather than retiring. Many of them want to make a difference and do something meaningful with their lives. While others just need the income and they don’t want to work at Walmart or McDonalds. And now that the kids are gone and they’re empty nesters, many baby boomer couples want to spend time working together.

Statistics show that a smaller percentage of millennials (born between 1982 – 2004) and Gen X (born 1965-1984) are pursuing entrepreneurship. It’s not that Millennials don’t want to start their own businesses. A 2016 report from EY and the Economic Innovation Group found that 62 percent of millennials have considered starting their own business, but they can’t afford it (paying off student debts most likely).

What’s the trend for entrepreneurial couples?

According to the U.S. Bureau of the Census, 90 percent of American businesses are family-owned or controlled and Harvard Business School estimates that at least half of all companies in the US are family businesses. A study by National Federation of Independent Businesses reported that there are just over 1.2 million husband/wife business teams.

According to the Statistic Brain Research Institute:

 Percent of family owned businesses that remain in the family into the second generation 30%
Percent of family owned businesses that remain in the family into the third generation  12%
Percent of family owned businesses that remain in the family into the fourth generation  3%
Number of husband and wife teams running companies  1,200,000
Percent of family owned businesses led by a female CEO or President  24%
Percent of family owned businesses that indicated the next successor is a female  31.3%
 Percent of family owned businesses that have women in top management positions  60%
 Percent of Fortune 500 businesses that are family-controlled  35%
 Average amount donated annually by a family run business  $50,000
Percent of family business owners that expect to retire by 2017  40.3%
 Percent of those retiring who have not selected a successor  47%
 Percent of family business owners who have no estate plan beyond a will  31.4%


Why do family businesses and entrepreneurial couples fail?

Statistic Brain shows that 60% of failures are because of problems with communication and trust. 25% because of lack of preparation from the next generation. 15% because of all other issues like poor financial planning, legal advice and so forth.

The interest in family businesses and couples who run the business together has not diminished. That’s why I’m happy to release the second edition of my book, Entrepreneurial Couples – Making it Work at Work and at Home. You can get the paperback or kindle edition on Amazon.

Its timeless and proven wisdom is based on my years of working with entrepreneurial couples from many walks of life and business styles. I’ve seen their struggles and I’ve documented what does and doesn’t work. This book will help you get to know yourself and your partner on the deepest level possible, ensuring you can communicate what matters most to you.

When a Diagnosis of Autism Isn’t Enough

What do you do after the autism diagnosis? Have you taken your child or marriage mate to a variety of health care providers in desperation to discover just what’s wrong? So many thoughts swirl through your mind…”is it dementia? Maybe it’s just a hearing loss? Or Generalized Anxiety Disorder? Or OCD? Or possibly even mild psychosis? No…it couldn’t be Autism!”It’s frustrating to know there’s a problem but you can’t get to the bottom of it, because no one understands. Could a diagnosis of ASD (formal or informal diagnosis) explain it all?

Many times the diagnosis of ASD does explain the underlying cause of the problems your family faces. However, there are some Aspies who have multiple problems that make their ASD worse. Either way, you need to know what you’re dealing with but it’s tough when your Aspie is terrible at explaining their inner workings.

Some signs that indicate the possibility of ASD are:

  • Feels bewildered or unsure in social settings
  • Is overly bossy or withdrawn
  • Doesn’t make reciprocating conversation or eye contact
  • Can’t read a situation or people’s faces
  • Dislikes loud sounds, smells, or light

Being told that your loved one has ASD or Asperger’s can be very devastating. What’s most important is to remain positive. It’s vital to learn to accept your ASD family member as she or he is. As Psychologist Tony Attwood says:

“Being diagnosed with ASD is not a tragedy, it’s merely a difference.”

Making your Aspie feel confident and secure in your unwavering love and support is crucial and will act as a buffer against negativity. How do you do that?

If you’d like to learn more of the science behind ASD, download a free chapter from my book, Out of Mind – Out of Sight.

Is Your Aspie Like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?

If your Asperger loved one makes you feel like you’re living with Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, take heart, you can thrive despite their unintentional wounds. Oh, does that sound mean? It’s not meant to be. Yes, you may feel guilty describing your Aspie loved one in this manner. But the truth is this is how our rollercoaster lives feel. We’re whipsawed about with their contradictory behavior. It hurts; it’s frustrating; and sometimes it’s frightening.Once again it all comes back to a lack of empathy. With no theory of mind it doesn’t register with our Aspies just how their conduct affects us. And because they don’t really intend to cause harm, they don’t readily accept responsibility for their misconduct. (I’ll be sharing more about Empathy Disorders in my upcoming book, including what you can do to protect yourself from people who can’t demonstrate empathy. To stay up-to-date on its release sign-up for my newsletter.)

It’s like they have a split personality. What the world sees and what you see are two radically different things. They cut you off after one phrase and finish your sentences with what they think you should do, completely missing your point. It leaves you fuming, “who is he or she to tell me how to feel.” Or maybe like you’re a bother for contradicting anything the Aspie believes.

Layer upon layer of misunderstanding leads to the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde phenomenon. No matter how much you try to reason with them, they’re convinced that you’re the problem.

It’s even more infuriating that others see them as lovable, smart, or just a little kooky, but basically harmless. Only we know how devastating it is to be in the crosshairs of an Aspie when they’re fired up.

At our next Asperger Syndrome: Partners & Family of Adults with ASD Meetup, we’ll talk about how to hold your own against Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. It’s important to know your own heart and not compromise. You’ll learn how to keep your channel clear and never allow boundary crossing. Let’s talk about the warning signs and methods to handle this better so you can prevent your own hurt.

If you’re a member, be sure to register for the November Video Conference, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde on Thursday, November 9th at 9:00 AM PT. (Not a member? If you’re a NT dealing with life with an Aspie, all you have to do is request an invite. It’s free to join the group and it has a lot of perks, like this low-cost video conference and our free international teleconference.)

If you prefer one-on-one counseling and you live near Portland, OR/Vancouver, WA please contact my Jantzen Beach office and schedule an appointment. I also offer online therapy if that works best for your busy schedule.

If you’d like to understand more about the science behind Asperger’s Syndrome, grab a free chapter from my book, Out of Mind – Out of Sight: Parenting with a Partner with Asperger Syndrome (ASD) by clicking on the image below.

If you have a loved one on the Spectrum, please check our private MeetUp group. We have members from around the world meeting online in intimate video conferences guided by Dr. Kathy Marshack.
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