Truth be told, you can’t do everything you’ve dreamed of doing. It’s just not humanly possible. There’s not enough time, resources or energy to accomplish it all.
Instead, your life consists of a series of choices that you have to make. And because you’re happy with some choices, you will let other options slip away.
You might come to regret some of these choices. That’s normal! However, these regrets could haunt you if you look back and fantasize that the option that got away would have been so much better. And if you don’t learn to be happy with your choices, that regret will follow you throughout your life.
People believe that if they’re not perfectly happy, they’re depressed, or that they don’t have a good life. On the contrary, to have regrets means you’ve fully engaged in life and made tough choices.
Of course, many regrets come from mistakes we’ve made. No matter how much we wish them away, the fact remains you’ve made a mistake. The problem comes when you wallow in the misery of reliving the mistake over and over again.
It would be so much better to look at the mistake as a learning experience and view it as a gift that teaches you something vital about yourself. Learn and move on. Stop second-guessing yourself. (I’ll be sharing some of my own regrets and what I learned from them in my upcoming book. Sign up for my newsletter to keep up-to-date on its release.)
Adopting a more positive attitude toward choices not taken will free you from living a paralyzed life overshadowed by negative feelings of regrets. So rather than living with no regrets, a more attainable goal would be to make peace with our regrets. Acknowledge them and move on.
Would you like to hone your skills for making choices that bring the greatest success and happiness? Online counseling may be exactly what you’re looking for. If you qualify, I’d love to help you learn to lead a rich and satisfying life. Please feel free to contact my office and schedule a session.