According to the Pew Research Internet Project, 66% of American couples are using tech devices to communicate with their life partners. Here are some of their findings:
- “10% say that the internet has had a “major impact” on their relationship, and 17% say that it has had a “minor impact.” Fully 72% say the internet has “no real impact at all” on their partnership.
- 74% say the impact was positive. 20% said the impact was mostly negative, and 4% said it was both good and bad.
- 25% say they have texted their partner when they were both home together.
- 21% have felt closer to their partner because of exchanges they had online or via text message.
- 9% have resolved an argument via online/text message that they were having difficulty resolving in person.
- 25% have felt their partner was distracted by cell phone when together.
- 4% have gotten upset at something that they found out their partner was doing online.”
font-size: 13px; color: #333333;”>8% have had an argument with their partner about the amount of time one of them was spending online.
In a recent CNN article, “I had a Nice Time with You Tonight. On the App”, the author, Jenna Wortham explores a variety of new Apps to help keep couples connected. Mentioned were Gchat, Facebook Messenger, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Avocado, Couple, Between and You & Me. If either you or your partner travel for business, checking out these apps would be worthwhile so that you stay connected with your partner. Phone tag is a thing of the past with these apps.
While I don’t advocate technology taking the place of in person communication, in today’s busy world it’s best to find ways to stay connected as best as we are able. Good communication is the key to successful entrepreneurial marriages. Join me on Facebook at (https://www.facebook.com/Kathy.Marshack.Ph.D) and share your experiences.