Scientists say you should talk about your feelings

As a therapist I’ve observed firsthand how much better my clients feel when they’ve had the opportunity to talk about their concerns. It’s interesting that scientific research is backing that up. According to a study from the University of California, describing emotions like grief and disappointment can put the brakes on brain activity that generates those feelings. By using MRI scans researchers saw changes in the brain when participants described the scary or sad faces they saw.

Sometimes talking to a sympathetic friend or family member does the trick. However, there are times when you could really benefit most from professional guidance. So, how do you know if you need counseling or psychotherapy? The short answer is when your emotional problems are overwhelming you to the point of spending several hours a day thinking about them, you should consider seeking professional help. I encourage you to read more about this in an article I wrote – When to Seek Professional Help for Personal Problems.

New look and location for my blog

I’ve decided to add my blog to my website. It now blends in with the rest of my site and hopefully makes it more accessible to my readers.

It’s been hard to find time to update my blog since I’m putting the finishing touches on my latest book – A Sliver in My Mind: Loving Those With Asperger Syndrome. I found a fantastic book publisher that believes in me and my story. The editor also knows that Asperger’s Syndrome is a hot topic. So stay tuned for the latest book news!

I’m so pleased that this project is moving forward because I’ve received hundreds of emails from people who are desperate for some help. I have also received interest from the media . . . take a look at the USA Today article – This tells me that people are desperately in need of guidance in this area. If you’re in a relationship with someone who has Asperger Syndrome go to the Asperger & Marriage section on this website for more information.

Entrepreneurial Couples Share the Same Concerns

I just got back from a presentation in New York. It was freezing cold. It seems wherever I travel I see that Family Businesses, no matter where they’re located or what industry they’re in, all deal with similar challenges. This is true in Florida, Texas, Kansas and a host of other states I’ve visited. I was reminded of this once again during my presentation in New York on “Handling Stress in a Family Business” which was hosted by Niagara University.

The entrepreneurial couples I talked to love their lifestyle but sometimes they wish they had better tools to address the challenges of working with loved ones. I was happy to share with them what I’ve learned by coaching hundreds of entrepreneurs. I must say that Niagara University’s Family Business Center is definitely committed to strengthening family owned businesses through the exchange of knowledge.

If you’re looking for more tools check out my website designed specifically for entrepreneurs – www.entrepreneurialcouplescom.

Entrepreneurial Couples Highlighted in Inc. Magazine

The increase in the number of women choosing an entrepreneurial path is playing a role in the growth of husband-wife teams. Take a look at the article ‘Til Death Do Us Part in the January 2008 issue of Inc. magazine that I was recently interviewed for –

Statistics support that conclusion. According to the Census Bureau, from 1997 to 2006, the number of women-owned businesses increased 42.3 percent. In the article I explain how times have changed, “In the past, men tended to open a business and often a wife is helping, but he doesn’t always see her as his partner. Now, women are more entrepreneurial and recognizing that more in themselves than they used to.”

Remember to check out my site if you’re looking for advice for entrepreneurial couples.

My very own online store

I wanted to let everyone know that I have a new online store on my website – Now you can purchase my books directly from me. My book “ENTREPRENEURIAL COUPLES: Making It Work at Work and at Home” is available as well as the book “Sixty Things To Do When You Turn Sixty.” I was honored to be asked to contribute one of the essays for the book especially since the proceeds go to support cancer research. It makes a great gift for any baby boomers in your life.

I’m also excited about my new digital workbook – “Do You Have What It Takes To Work With Your Spouse?” You can learn if you and your spouse have what it takes by working through the exercises in this interactive workbook. Since it’s a digital product you can print out two copies and get started!

Sliver in My Mind

So many of you have asked for the publication date of my new book, SLIVER IN MY MIND: Loving Those With Asperger’s Syndrome. Well it is getting close. The book is finished and off to editing and all of those book kind of things that precede the bookstore. It has been so rewarding to hear from so many who have the courage to live these lives and shared their stories with me. I hope the book is worthy of your support.

As for other news, I am very excited about an upcoming speaking engagement with my local state psychology organization. I’ll tell you more about that later. But the opportunity to share one of my professional passions with my local colleagues is a real honor. I will be presenting in Tacoma Washington October 13, 2007.

Finally with this transition to Fall weather you might be noticing a change in your energy. While I love the Fall, Halloween, crisp and cool sunny days, the winding down of summer and shorter days do have an unpleasant effect on many people. Even if you are not diagnosed with Seasonal Affective Disorder you might want to consider getting supplemental light to keep your energy up and running through the longer winter days . . . at least here in the northwest . . . the land of tall trees, rain and long gray winters.

Thank you all again for your support and encouragement.

If you have a loved one on the Spectrum, please check our private MeetUp group. We have members from around the world meeting online in intimate video conferences guided by Dr. Kathy Marshack.
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