The topic of this Webinar is: Book Publishing, How Hard Can It Be? to be moderated by Dr. Carol-Anne Minski. Three other panelists – Elena Gillespie, Carol Minski, Jesse Sostrin – and I will discuss the ins and outs of getting your book published. It will be held on Tuesday, September 15th at 3:00 pm (PT).
My specific assignment is to talk about what it’s like to work with publishers – how I approached them and what the process consists of. I’ll also share how I work with retailers and collaborate with others to get my books published.
If you haven’t read my work, the following is a synopsis of books I’ve written:
Do You Have What It Takes To Work With Your Spouse Workbook
Based on my and experience coaching entrepreneurial couples, I’ve come up with a “Checklist for Success.” Learn if you and your spouse have what it takes by working through this interactive workbook. Click here to learn more.
Entrepreneurial Couples – Making it Work at Work and at Home
Learn the traps entrepreneurial couples can fall into and find practical advice for dealing with them as you discover how a couple balances intimacy with family life and meaningful work. Click here to learn more.
Life with a Partner or Spouse with Asperger Syndrome: Going Over the Edge?
You may have heard about Asperger’s Syndrome in children, but what happens when autistics grow up and marry? Unlike Rain Man, who had a more severe form of autism, a smart, financially successful AS husband or wife can pass for normal, except at home. Click here to learn more.
Out of Mind – Out of Sight: Parenting with a Partner with Asperger Syndrome (ASD)
Take an honest look at the unique issues that come up when you’re co-parenting with an Asperger partner. So many of the interactions within the family circle require empathy, which are literally out of mind – out of sight for the Aspie (ASD) parent. This is essential reading for the Neuro-Typical (NT) parent to learn more about Asperger Syndrome and find a way to co-parent, co-exist and even thrive within the Asperger/NT family unit. Click here to learn more.