Autism Society of Oregon (ASO) is hosting a free event that will improve the lives of all affected by autism. It’s a Workshop entitled, “Plan for Work” Benefits Planning: Busting Myths on Work and SSI/SSDI Benefits. It will cover the following topics:
- Overviews of Social Security Administration disability benefits program
- Work incentives associated with Social Security Disability (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
- Medicaid and Medicare connections to SSDI and SSI
- Individual Development Accounts and the ABLE act.
Already registered? You may not be aware of this…there’s been such a huge response they’ve booked a larger venue and have moved the Workshop to a new location as noted below. Here are the details:
Date: Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Time: 6:00-8:00 pm
Place: Providence Portland Medical Center
Conference Room HCC1 (Basement level)
4805 NE Glisan, Portland OR 97213
It’s a free event, but you must register in order to attend by emailing events@AutismSocietyOregon.org or calling 503-636-1676.