Here are some tips to create a good working relationship with your employees:
Set expectations. When you hire a new employee, it is important to clearly define what is going to be expected of them. How can you expect an employee to perform the way you want if they don’t know what it is you’re looking for? Help them to see why these expectations are important to you and your business.
Commend. Positive feedback is vital when it comes to encouraging your staff. Be on the lookout for opportunities to give sincere commendation. Your employees will feel appreciated which leads to increased productivity. This will also make it easier on you if you need to give counsel. If counsel is tempered with commendation, it won’t be as difficult to take.
Communication. Speak with your staff regularly. Get their feedback and opinions. They are at the forefront of your business and are usually in the best position to know what is really going on. Don’t just encourage them to talk to you make sure you talk openly with them. Think about what you know about the business and share it with them.
Respect. Treat your staff the way you would want to be treated – as a capable adult. If they feel respected, you will too.
Building a good relationship with your staff takes time and effort, but it will be well worth it! For more information, visit Entrepreneurial Life to learn more.