to develop a new method for diagnosing autism. The results of their
research is very noteworthy. A MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) is used
to test the regions in the brain that relate to emotions, social
cognition, and language. When scanning the brain of someone with autism,
researchers found that there was not as much information being passed
between these areas of the brain.
Lead study author Nicholas Lange, ScD, associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, told Medscape Medical News that, “The
test was able to detect autism in this high-functioning population with
94% accuracy. This technique shows that someone with autism has less
organized wiring.”
What makes this method so much better than the previous? Dr. Lange said, “Autism
is diagnosed now with a very subjective measure, a formal interview
that takes 4 hours, and with observation of the child for another hour
or so. But it’s the doctor’s call. This test is a more definitive way of
determining autism early on, by pointing to something in the brain that
is biologically based.”
This test is not yet available, but as for the future of this type of testing, Dr. Lange states, “We
are continuing to study and develop the test, and more findings are due
out a year or 2 from now. We are also planning future studies to look
at patients with high-severity autism and younger children less than 7
years of age and patients with brain disorders, such as developmental
language disorders, attention-deficit/