High Divorce Rates for Parents Raising a Child with Autism
Thursday, September 02, 2010

survive once an autistic child grows up? Researchers from the University of
Wisconsin-Madison’s Waisman Center decided to focus their attention on this
particular subject. According to their research, couples are more likely to
divorce when their autistic child becomes a teen or adult than couples who have
children with no disabilities. Sigan Hartley, a UW-Madison assistant professor
explains, “Typically, if couples can survive the early child-rearing
years, parenting demands decrease and there is often less strain on the
marriage. However, parents of children with autism often continue to live with
and experience high parenting demands into their child’s adulthood, and thus
marital strain may remain high in these later years.” For more information
on this study, please read Study
Details Autism’s Heavy Toll Beyond Childhood on Marriages.If you find yourself in a similar situation, it is vital that you seek help
for your marriage
as well as help to cope with your autistic loved one. There are many different
avenues that one can take to get support. Find a mental health care professional
that can offer guidance in the marriage as well as dealing with an autistic
child. You may want to look for a local support group that focuses on
relationships with a ASD family member. If you live the in the Portland, Oregon
area check out Asperger
Syndrome: Partners or Family of Adults with ASD. If you do not live nearby,
you can join us online
where we have many group discussions on our forum.
If you are parenting with an Asperger spouse, please download a free sample
chapter of my upcoming book – “Parenting
with a Spouse or Partner with Asperger Syndrome: Out of Sight, Out of Mind.”