years, a lot of attention was given to the physical side effects that second
hand smoke (SHS) can have on a non-smoking individual. Heart disease, stroke,
lung cancer, and asthma have been linked to SHS. Now
attention is turning to the psychological effects of SHS.
According to new studies, SHS has been linked to psychological disorders as
well as greater risk for psychiatric hospitalization in non-smokers. For a
complete look at these studies, read the article Secondhand Smoke Linked to
Psychiatric Illness, Hospitalization. The article mentioned that with
increased smoking restrictions in public places, smoking is happening more
often in the home environment. Studies also estimate that 60% of Americans are
being exposed to SHS.
Now with the addition of psychological problems to already known physical
problems, SHS is a serious problem! If you are a non-smoker, but have been
exposed to SHS and are experiencing psychological problems such as anxiety or
depression, I recommend seeing a mental health care professional. If you are
currently a smoker, your life is in danger as well. Please visit the Stop
Smoking section on my website for tips to overcome your addiction to