the “ideal” employee can be challenging. As an entrepreneur, you have worked
long and hard to make you business a success and whoever you add into the mix
can either be for the good or for the bad. Here are a few tips to help you when
you are looking to hire a new employee:
could clone? If so, make a list of that employee’s qualities, from their
actual work skills, to personality traits. As you examine the qualities of this
ideal employee, you will open your mind to the traits you are looking for in
your next hire. Develop a list of the qualities you need to fit your particular
setting. From this list, begin drafting questions that will elicit from
prospective employees whether they have these qualities.
2. Always use screening tools to search out personality traits, emotional
problems and psychological issues that do not surface during an interview.
It is probably best to use the services of a psychologist who is expert in
interpreting these tests, such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.
3. Ask yourself if your workplace is attractive to the type of employee you
want. Do you need to remodel to make the workplace more ergonomic? Is your
management progressive? Are there other benefits and perks you can offer?
Remember, a healthy, hardworking employee is looking for a good match in an
employer too.
4. Realize that all employees have problems in their lives from time to time
that will affect their work. After doing a thorough screening, and hiring
the very best person for the job, make sure you have a back-up system to deal
with problems as they emerge. For example, providing a child care allotment, or
flexible scheduling, or some form of employee assistance plan, goes a long way
in correcting stress in an employee’s life, so that they can solve life
problems as quickly and effectively as possible.
Read more tips on being a successful manager when your run your own business on
my website.