Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES) is an electrical treatment that is being used to treat cigarette cravings. A small electrical stimulus is applied to the earlobe sending low frequency currents to the nerves in the brain. CES has been used to treat insomnia, anxiety, and depression, but recent studies show that it is also effective in treating addictions.
A study was performed between July 2006 and January 2008 using CES on 1,000 smokers with the hope that it would control the craving for cigarettes. Out of the 1,000, 972 (97.2%) lost their cravings after just a few minutes into a CES 20 minute session. Cravings will kick in again so many continued to use CES for a regular basis until they were able to conquer their addiction. Three patients out of the 1,000 were unable to use this form of therapy.
In order to use CES, you must have a prescription from a licensed practitioner. I have being using CES with some of my clients and have seen some great results. I use Alpha Stem’s CES from Allevia Health. For more information, visit www.alleviahealth.com.
I am very excited about continuing this process with my clients to help them conquer their addiction to cigarettes. If you live in the Portland, OR or Vancouver, WA area, please contact my office if you are interested in finding out more about CES. I also have additional information on how to stop smoking on my website.