To create greater awareness of the resources available to those who have sustained a TBI, BIAA leads the nation in observing National Brain Injury Awareness Month every March. They offer resources for families, medical professionals, and military families. Their awareness campaign this year has the theme: Not Alone.
In their own words, “this campaign focuses on educating the general public about the incidence of brain injury and the needs of people with brain injuries and their families. The campaign also lends itself to outreach within the brain injury community to de-stigmatize the injury, empower those who have survived, and promote the many types of support that are available.” You can follow them on social media and help them spread the word using the hashtag #NotAloneinBrainInjury.
The Congressional Brain Injury Task Force (CBITF), co-chaired by Rep. Bill Pascrell, Jr. (D-N.J.) and Rep. Tom Rooney (R-Fla.), has set Wednesday, March 18th, for Brain Injury Awareness Day for 2015.
Over the years, I’ve reported on the seriousness of brain concussions in the following articles:
Shining the Spotlight on Women Suffering from Concussions
Parents – How to Protect Your Child’s Brain When They Play Sports
Parents – Have You Weighed the Risk of Football?
Parents – Protect Your Child’s Brain
Brain Injuries Causing Long-term Damage
SPECT Imaging of the Brain Reveals Hidden Reasons for Behavior
There is hope for those who suffer traumatic brain injury to regain a measure of health in order to lead a meaningful and productive life. I use medicines, whole foods, vitamins and supplements to help heal the brain. If you live near Portland, OR/Vancouver, WA please contact my office and schedule an appointment to begin the road to recovery.