Why Women in Business Are Frequently Misunderstood

With the changes in the economy, more and more women are going back to work and many of them are starting their own businesses. At times women are not always taken seriously when it comes to running a business. I don’t think that people are discriminating because of gender necessarily. It’s probably more because they don’t know how to relate to women business owners. Women have different values and these values are showing up in how women design their businesses.

Women business owners are more likely to be in tune with the challenge of juggling work and family. A lot of women business owners work from home, which allows them to be available for work and family. While this sounds ideal for a woman, it can sometimes cause a problem. The problem is invisibility. For example, I lost a contract to provide certain psychological services because my office is at home. I was told that home offices are not professional enough. However, I always thought I was clever to find a way to be with my family and still develop my career interests. Obviously this is not a value shared by the contractor.

So, how can a woman overcome the challenge of invisibility? Simply put, they need to be bold and speak up. They need to educate lenders and others about the values of blending family and work life. Learn to be clear, assertive, and decisive. Just think of the example that these working mothers are teaching their daughters. They are teaching them how to be true to their feminine spirit and yet develop their creative side through career, professional and business. This is extremely valuable since it is most likely that these young women will grow up and be in the working world.

If you are a working woman or are married to one, I recommend reading my article Balancing Life as a Dual-Career Couple. Understanding one another better in your different roles will lead to harmony within the family arrangement.

Asperger Syndrome and Famous Figures from the Past

Just in recent years Asperger Syndrome (AS) has become a more common diagnosis, however many adults still go undiagnosed. Studies suggest that AS is considerably more common than “classic” Autism. Now with a surge of new information on Asperger Syndrome, researchers are seeing symptoms of AS in famous historical figures from the past.

BBC News wrote an fascinating article containing Asperger research by Cambridge and Oxford Universities. These researchers strongly believe that Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton had Asperger Syndrome. The article focuses more on Albert Einstein and how he exhibited textbook AS symptoms. Simon Baron-Cohen, professor at Cambridge and renowned author about all things autism, commented in the article about Einstein’s passion and social challenges.

This type of research gives so much insight on the kind of success that’s possible with AS. To read more about symptoms of Asperger Syndrome, visit my AS Frequently Asked Questions.

Adults and ADD

You don’t outgrow ADD. With that being said, many adults are being diagnosed with this disorder. Many ADD adults say that they weren’t aware of the disorder until they had a child who was diagnosed. After seeing ADD in their children, these adults gradually realized that they had the same signs and symptoms.

Imagine the shock of learning as an adult you have ADD. This has been the case for many. Interestingly, the reactions of learning about the diagnosis have been completely varied. ADDitude, an online magazine, wrote a great article on adults with ADD and commented about the different reactions.

ADD made some adults feel like outsiders, frustrated and disorganized. For these, learning of their disorder and getting proper care was complete relief! Others felt angry that they didn’t know sooner and blamed their parents for not recognizing the signs. Then there are the type that love having ADD because of their high intellect, creative energy and abilities so they decide to refuse treatment.

Even though ADD does not affect everyone the same, I do recommend seeking treatment. Many have learned counterproductive survival skills that could have damaging effects on their job, marriage, and parenting style. To learn more about ADD and the type of treatment that I recommend visit my website or contact me personally for more information.

Thrilling Possibilities for My New Book

In honor of my daughter’s graduation from high school and my birthday, I have planned a holiday to Greece in September. It is somewhere I have always wanted to visit and the time has finally arrived for it to become reality. While there, I have decided to visit the Greek Society for the Protection of Autistic People. While communicating with them to plan a visit, an interesting development arose.

Prof. Sophia Bonanou of the Greek Society told me that they are working on acquiring books on autism in English and then translating them into Greek. I was then asked to send them a copy of my new book, Life with a Partner or Spouse with Asperger Syndrome: Going Over the Edge? Practical Steps for Saving You and Your Marriage, to be considered for translation.

I’m still awaiting for their response on the book, but to know that there is a possibility for this information to reach more people is such an exciting thought. I’ll continue to update you on new developments.

Foreclosures Linked to Depression

A startling new study links depression to the housing foreclosure situation. Apparently large numbers of people whose homes are being foreclosed are diagnosed with depression, some with major depression symptoms. Adding to the stress is the fact that these same people also may be struggling to afford medication and food, causing meals to be skipped. While it may seem obvious that a foreclosure will lead to depression, clinical depression is not the same thing as being upset about losing your house. Clinical depression is serious and can be deadly.
This is a major health concern for our community.

The Portland Business Journal recently commented on the growth of foreclosures in the Portland area. They quoted “11,647 foreclosure actions affecting one in every 65 homes in the area.” What a staggering statistic!
As a psychologist, I have seen many times that social and economic changes are factors that can affect depression. If you are dealing with a economic difficulties like losing your home, please review a list of symptoms to see if you may be struggling with depression.

While some people sail through these difficult times, others are not as resilient. It is important to keep evaluating your mental health every so often especially as times grow increasingly challenging. When depression that is untreated, it can impair your daily life and make more difficult for you to confront and cope with your difficult economic situation.

Remember that you are not alone and there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Depression is treatable. I highly recommend setting up an appointment with a mental health care professional. They will be able to give you the guidance and direction needed during these difficult times. If you live in the Portland/Vancouver area, feel free to contact me personally for more information.

Back-to-School Transitions: Tips for Parents

Back-to-School Transitions: Tips for Parents

Friday, August 21, 2009

With school beginning soon, parents can assist their children to get off to a good start.  This can help the child build confidence and performance academically, as well as socially. To assist parents with back-to-school children, check out the following tips from the National Association of School Psychologists:

  • Be sure your child is in good physical and mental health.
  • Review all of the school information.
  • Make a note of important school dates.
  • Make copies of all your child’s health and emergency information.
  • Buy school supplies early using the school’s checklist, if possible.
  • Re-establish the bedtime and mealtime routines.
  • Turn off the TV.
  • Visit school with your child.
  • Minimize clothes shopping problems by checking out the school’s dress code guidelines.
  • Designate a location to keep backpacks, lunch boxes, as well as important papers.
  • Prepare a simple menu for the first week to eliminate additional tension.

These tips should not only make for a smooth transition from a summer schedule to the classroom, but may also make a difference in stress levels at home. For more information, go to http://www.nasponline.org/resources/home_school/b2shandout.aspx

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