New Research on Autism and Specialized Help

When you discover that your child or partner has “Asperger’s Syndrome”, it makes you feel utterly helpless. I know, because I’m a trained psychologist, with a master’s degree in social work and a doctoral degree in psychology and I still felt that way about my own daughter who, by the age of 14, was officially diagnosed with ASD.

Being a helicopter parent or codependent partner is a natural outcome of the crazy-making AS/NT world. Our natural instincts are to protectively hover over our loved ones, when they have such a serious disability.

The world has come a long way since my daughter was a teen. In January 2020, the American Academy of Pediatrics released a new report summarizing the latest finding and treatment strategies for children on the Autism Spectrum.

A few important points from the report from Psychology Today:

  • There is a continuous rise in the numbers of children diagnosed with Autism.
  • About a quarter of children with autism experience a regression in language or social skills (between 18 and 24 months old).
  • Effective interventions: address specific autism behaviors and identifies triggers for them.
  • It’s important to pay attention to medical conditions that often occur with autism spectrum disorders, but can be treated separately – treating them can improve a child’s quality of life.
  • Seek help and plan for the transition between adolescence and adulthood. This is a very important transition for people on the spectrum.


The report is underlying the importance of seeking professional help and working with a trained specialist to address specific autism behaviors and identify triggers for them. I put these words in bold to make a point.

Along my 40 years of offering professional help for people on the spectrum and their families, I often had people finding me and reaching out because they wanted the best help available and then going with a cheaper and obscure option because it was easier. I never heard back from some, but others contacted me again after some time passed realizing they’ve done more damage than good to their relationships.

ASD was often misdiagnosed in the past and a general psychologist might not be able to see it. Couple therapy won’t help repair an AS/NT relationship if the partner on the spectrum is not correctly diagnosed. Without this, therapy might leave the Neuro-Typical feeling alone and misunderstood. Depression and anxiety are a step away.

If you have a very expensive electric car and its electric battery malfunctions, would you go to the corner shop mechanic who never touched an electric car before? Of course not. You’d look for a specialist. So why would you risk your relationship with a loved one, that is far more precious than a car, to go to someone who never diagnosed ASD before?

From understanding what triggers an ASD meltdown, how to react to a meltdown and how important is self-care when you are in a relationship with a partner on the spectrum, a trained health care professional with years of experience is vital. 

Please seek specialized help when dealing with a partner/family/friends on the spectrum. You can contact me for a video appointment or search for trained help in your area.

A diagnosis of Autism might still not be enough. Some “Aspies” have multiple problems that make their ASD worse. Either way, you need to know what you’re dealing with, but it’s tough when your partner is terrible at explaining their inner workings. What’s most important is to remain positive. It’s vital to learn to accept your ASD family member as she or he is.

Making your “Aspie” feel confident and secure in your unwavering love and support is crucial and will act as a buffer against negativity. How do you do that? 

If you are not a member of our private membership group, ASPERGER SYNDROME & RELATIONSHIPS: Life with an Adult on the Autism Spectrum, please consider joining us. We are an international community of partners, families and friends of people on the spectrum. We joined together to learn from each other and tackle the daily challenges you have when living with someone on the spectrum. I’m also giving several video conferences and teleconferences every month to offer professional help to all members at an accessible price for everyone.

If you’d like to learn more of the science behind ASD, download a free chapter from my book, Out of Mind – Out of Sight

VIDEO CONFERENCE: Why do so many people believe my “Aspie” and not me?

VIDEO CONFERENCE: Why do so many people believe my “Aspie” and not me?

This Video Conference is limited to twelve people, and is only for Members of the private membership group, ASPERGER SYNDROME & RELATIONSHIPS: Life with an Adult on the Autism Spectrum. Click here for membership details and to register for this call.

Topic: VIDEO CONFERENCE: VIDEO CONFERENCE: Why do so many people believe my “Aspie” and not me?

Thursday, March 19th at 4:00 pm Pacific Time

I often hear this complaint from my NT clients. It is amazing how well guile works. Think about it, if you believe your point of view, it is very persuasive. And most of our “Aspies” believe what they tell others. Sadly they often tell others that we don’t understand them, or are always picking them apart, or just want to spend their money. These ASD justifications are not OK, but it’s tough to get them to stop when others in the world believe these tall tales.

In addition to ordinary people like our neighbors, friends and relatives, falling into this trap, there are a handful of “Flying Monkeys” hanging around, who will gladly do some harm on behalf of our “Aspies.” Flying Monkeys are those who help spread the gossip about how awful you are to your poor spouse. They love to watch your face when they tell you what they heard from your spouse or your best friend. They relish the thought of the argument you and your partner will have later. Confronting a Flying Monkey never works because they will just fly off and complain about you to someone else.

OMG! It’s tough enough to walk your “Aspie” through their ill informed notions of you, let alone clear up the confusion he/she has created with other, but to then try to quell the chaos of a gossiping Flying Monkey — well no wonder we feel as if we are going over the edge.

As with the first video conference this month, we will discuss a very tough subject. I hate bringing up bad news like this, but how else will we learn to protect ourselves and build a solid authentic life, if we don’t face the dark side of autism.

Make sure you have a private place to talk, without interruption.  I will send you reminders of this Zoom conference, but if you don’t have your email set to receive the reminders, you may not notice. I would hate to have you miss the call, so make sure you’re able to get my messages.

VIDEO CONFERENCE: Why do so many people believe my “Aspie” and not me?

VIDEO CONFERENCE: Why do so many people believe my “Aspie” and not me?

This Video Conference is limited to twelve people, and is only for Members of the private membership group, ASPERGER SYNDROME & RELATIONSHIPS: Life with an Adult on the Autism Spectrum. Click here for membership details and to register for this call.

Topic: VIDEO CONFERENCE: VIDEO CONFERENCE: Why do so many people believe my “Aspie” and not me?

Tuesday, March 17th at 11:00 am Pacific Time

I often hear this complaint from my NT clients. It is amazing how well guile works. Think about it, if you believe your point of view, it is very persuasive. And most of our “Aspies” believe what they tell others. Sadly they often tell others that we don’t understand them, or are always picking them apart, or just want to spend their money. These ASD justifications are not OK, but it’s tough to get them to stop when others in the world believe these tall tales.

In addition to ordinary people like our neighbors, friends and relatives, falling into this trap, there are a handful of “Flying Monkeys” hanging around, who will gladly do some harm on behalf of our “Aspies.” Flying Monkeys are those who help spread the gossip about how awful you are to your poor spouse. They love to watch your face when they tell you what they heard from your spouse or your best friend. They relish the thought of the argument you and your partner will have later. Confronting a Flying Monkey never works because they will just fly off and complain about you to someone else.

OMG! It’s tough enough to walk your “Aspie” through their ill informed notions of you, let alone clear up the confusion he/she has created with other, but to then try to quell the chaos of a gossiping Flying Monkey — well no wonder we feel as if we are going over the edge.

As with the first video conference this month, we will discuss a very tough subject. I hate bringing up bad news like this, but how else will we learn to protect ourselves and build a solid authentic life, if we don’t face the dark side of autism.

Make sure you have a private place to talk, without interruption.  I will send you reminders of this Zoom conference, but if you don’t have your email set to receive the reminders, you may not notice. I would hate to have you miss the call, so make sure you’re able to get my messages.

ADHD and Damaging Myths

ADHD is a very real neurological disorder. You might assume that the child “bouncing off the walls” in the grocery aisle is doing so because his parents haven’t trained him properly. But before you jump to conclusions, consider that there could be a very real neurological disorder responsible for that behavior…ADHD. 

The National Institute of Mental Health estimates that 3% to 5% of children have ADHD, while other experts believe it could be more. You can read more about ADHD on their website.

I often talk about ADHD in adults and about the differences between ADHD and ASD in my blog articles. It’s important to know that ADHD does not affect all people the same way. I’ve talked about a few of the triggers for meltdowns in my blog, Too Loud, Too Bright, Too Itchy: Reasons for ADHD or ASD Meltdowns.

Time and time again I see damaging myths about ADHD in the media or from people around me. Recently I read an article about ADHD myths from ADDitude Magazine and it’s a topic worth discussing. 


Myth: You should outgrow ADHD.

You don’t outgrow ADHD.  That is why ADHD (also known as ADD) is being diagnosed in adults in their 20’s, 30’s, and even in grandparents in their 60’s. Many ADHD adults say that they weren’t aware of the disorder until they had a child who was diagnosed. After seeing ADHD in their children, these adults gradually realized that they had the same signs and symptoms.


Myth: ADHD is the same for everyone.

ADHD does not affect all people the same way. Some with ADHD have learning disorders, while others do not. Some ADHD people are intellectually gifted, others have average or below average IQ. Some come from supportive homes, others come from dysfunctional families. These factors affect the impact of ADHD on the life of the individual.


Myth: ADHD isn’t a real medical disorder.

I talked about this at the beginning of this article. The child “bouncing off the walls” you saw in a supermarket might have ADHD. It is not the result of bad parenting.

The National Institutes of Health, the U.S. Department of Education and the American Psychiatric Association recognize ADHD as a medical disorder, which is biologically based – a result of an imbalance of chemical messengers, or neurotransmitters, within the brain.


Myth: People with ADHD are lazy or stupid

If treated, people with ADHD can lead rich, productive lives. Many famous individuals have accomplished a great deal, despite having ADHD. For example, there are several reports that Simone Biles the Olympic gymnast, singer Justin Timberlake, swimmer Michael Phelps and Glenn Beck the political radio talk show host are a few of the famous people who have prospered while dealing with ADHD.


Do you suspect a family member of having ADHD? The cycle of frustration and failure can be broken with proper treatment. Please, seek help immediately. I offer online therapy, so we can work around your busy schedule.

Knowledge is power. Learn all you can about ADHD, even if you don’t personally know someone with it. The more you understand, the more supportive you can be. Families with ADHD need our help.

Learn more on my website: ADHD/ADD.

TELECONFERENCE: Why are Compassion and Understanding the Booby Prize in ASD/NT Relationships?

TELECONFERENCE: Why are Compassion and Understanding the Booby Prize in ASD/NT Relationships?

This Teleconference is only for Members of the private membership group, ASPERGER SYNDROME & RELATIONSHIPS: Life with an Adult on the Autism Spectrum. Click here for membership details and to register for this call.

Topic: TELECONFERENCE: Why are Compassion and Understanding the Booby Prize in ASD/NT Relationships?

Thursday, March 12th at 1:30 pm Pacific Time

Of course compassion is an important value. Likewise I always say that knowledge is power, so I value cognitive understanding. But the problem with these two traits is that we NTs rely on them too much, and at the wrong time. Hang in there and read on, because this topic will help you move beyond your unsuccessful attempts to negotiate an emotional moment with your “Aspie.”

First of all, your compassion is not received, nor reciprocated by your “Aspie.” While you might take a day off work to hang out with your “Aspie,” when they have a wisdom tooth pulled, do they offer to hang out with you when you are scheduled for a breast lumpectomy? Do they even ask if you’d like them to accompany you for the procedure? Nope.

Second, your “Aspie” has no need of your expressed understanding of what they are going through. We offer a knowing look or a verbal expression of understanding to others, so that they know we get them (i.e. empathy). But when we offer these understanding and bonding moments to our “Aspie,” they frequently give us a blank look. “No,” they say, “that is not how I feel.” Of course they frequently don’t know how they feel, nor do they understand that we are trying to create a loving connection.

Please come to this teleconference to learn more about this confounding difference. Learn to stop accepting the booby prize in your relationship. Once registered for this call you will reminder emails but it is important to check out the instructions for Teleconferences here.

This teleconference is reserved for members of “ASPERGER SYNDROME & RELATIONSHIPS: Life with an Adult on the Autism Spectrum.” Please come prepared to protect your privacy and those on the call. I will send you reminders by email, so it is important to set your email to accept my emails. Otherwise you will miss this important call. Thank you.

VIDEO CONFERENCE: What to do when your “Aspie” is also a Narcissist

VIDEO CONFERENCE: What to do when your “Aspie” is also a Narcissist

This Video Conference is limited to twelve people, and is only for Members of the private membership group, ASPERGER SYNDROME & RELATIONSHIPS: Life with an Adult on the Autism Spectrum. Click here for membership details and to register for this call.

Topic: VIDEO CONFERENCE: What to do when your “Aspie” is also a Narcissist

Tuesday, March 10th at 2:00 pm Pacific Time

I’ll be honest with you, our High Functioning “Aspies” can develop into full blown Narcissists. There’s very little you can do at this point because they have learned to win consistently with unconscionable behavior. So the goal of this conference is to get clear on what type you are dealing with, “Aspie” or “Aspie/Narcissist.” Then hopefully we can also talk about what do about it.

One of my ASD clients, who leans NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) asked me disgustedly, “Why do I always have to win?” He realized that his need to win at all costs had driven his wife away. He was in tears and writhing on my couch when he asked this question.

This seems like an awakening doesn’t it? However, in the next breath, he called her foul names and complained that “. . .she didn’t have to leave to prove a point.”

The narcissist does know what they are doing. They can recognize that it may cause them pain (in this case losing his wife). But inevitably, their personal suffering outweighs the interpersonal gain of problem solving with their loved one. With EmD-0 our “Aspies” with narcissism, will focus on how to change you so that they feel better. They will not work toward a win-win solution that relieves both of you.

Even if your ASD loved one is workable and wants to play fair, their self-absorption makes them consider narcissistic solutions first. It is important to stand firm against this conduct, no matter how insignificant the “hit” might be. Several micro-hits are as aggressive and damaging is one swift blow.

I debated a long time about bringing up this topic because it angers many people. “Aspies” for one. But it also angers those NTs who want to protect their ASD loved ones from criticism. I get it, but how do you change a destructive behavior if you don’t identify it? And who is there to speak for the victims of narcissistic abuse? So let’s have a discussion that gets to the bottom of this horrible topic and find our inner strength to do the right thing.

Make sure you have a private place to talk, without interruption.  I will send you reminders of this Zoom conference, but if you don’t have your email set to receive the reminders, you may not notice. I would hate to have you miss the call, so make sure you’re able to get my messages.

If you have a loved one on the Spectrum, please check our private MeetUp group. We have members from around the world meeting online in intimate video conferences guided by Dr. Kathy Marshack.
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