Thank you to all our members who continually add a level of love and honesty that makes our group so special. If you live in the Portland, OR/Vancouver, WA area, join us Saturday July 16, 2011 as we discuss the topic “Equality or Freedom.” So often we NTs (neurotypicals) get stuck on the lack of empathy or reciprocity in our relationships with adults on the Autism Spectrum. While it is true that the “mind blindness” prevents many with ASDs from recognizing our feelings, thoughts and needs, there may be another way to survive this lack of reciprocity.
I think we have to stop thinking in terms of “Equality” and instead think of “Freedom.” We are much better able to detach from our feelings of anger and hurt, when we step back and accept “Freedom” as our guide. We seldom win equality, but we can get to a place where we have Freedom . . . at least to us.
What is Freedom to each individual just depends, doesn’t it? One person may find Freedom in his or her life by leaving the relationship. Another may devote his or her energy to more reciprocal relationships in the family. And still another may relish the few moments that his or her Aspie makes you laugh. It all just depends what each of us thinks is freeing.
Let’s use this summer meetup to expand our concept of how to cope with these difficult relationships . . . without giving up who you are.