What might some of your questions be about?
- How do I parent my Aspie children with an Aspie partner?
- How can I help my NT child deal with his/her Aspie parent?
- How can I find a measure of romance in my AS/NT relationship?
- What are some ways to keep my sanity in a trying situation?
- What specific rules of engagement will help my Aspie and I connect?
- How can I help my Aspie to at least acknowledge my feelings?
- How can I feel whole despite the craziness and loneliness?
Do any of these questions strike a chord with you? Perhaps they at least get you thinking about a topic that’s important to you. Please write your ideas down, so you don’t forget between now and the conference.
Let’s gather to share our collective wisdom. I don’t have all of the answers, but beneath the surface of our perplexing lives is a pattern. I believe this pattern is discoverable. These low cost conferences will be held on Thursday, July 6th at 9AM, Wednesday, July 12th at 2PM, and Thursday, July 27th at 4PM. The spots are filling up quickly, so, if you’re a member of our Asperger Syndrome: Partners & Family of Adults with ASD Meetup be sure to register very soon. (Not a member yet? If you are the neuro typical partner in a NT/AS relationship, request an invitation.)
If you prefer to consult with me one-on-one and you live near Portland, OR/Vancouver, WA please contact my office and schedule an appointment. Otherwise, you might qualify for either online therapy or online education. Check out the services I provide and choose the one that’s the right fit for you.