To open up a dialogue on this topic I am thrilled to offer a new service…Remote Education about Asperger Relationships! I am putting together webinars as well as video and phone sessions with individuals and colleagues. These sessions are completely confidential on my end, but total confidentiality depends on you also creating privacy in your own environment. (To make sure there’s no confusion, let me state that these services are all about education and not online therapy sessions.)
Not only am I ramping up education through remote access, I am also daily sharing important information on Twitter, plus regular postings to Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+. Please join me on the social platform you feel most comfortable with and let me know what topics you find interesting or want more information on.
Because our Asperger Syndrome: Partners and Families of Adults with ASD Meetup group meetings have only been available to those in the Portland area, and so many of our members have expressed a desire to join in, I am now offering to connect our Meetup Group by international teleconferencing every month. Members do not need to have a computer. Just call in. We will use the same topics scheduled for the Portland Meetups, or if someone has a burning topic or question, we can be flexible.
The date and time for our first international Meetup, “Is It Codependency if You’re just Trying to Survive?” has been scheduled for Friday, February 21st at 2:30 PST.