Siblings of Autistic Children Are Being Affected

When a child is diagnosed with autism, most people automatically think of how the parents will be affected. But what about the siblings of children of autism? How severely are they impacted?

Studies are now showing that these children will be affected in one way or another. One of the more obvious problems is that it will be more difficult for them to form a normal and healthy bond with their autistic sibling. It may also increase a tendency towards behavioral problems, depression and speech disabilities. Researchers recommend that siblings of autistic children can benefit from speech and language therapy.

Obviously, every child is different and their reaction to a sibling with autism will be varied. The point is that it is important to be aware of the possibilities and to take the necessary steps to ensure that each and every child, regardless of disabilities, has the proper care and guidance they need. More research on this subject is available in the article OPINION: How Do Siblings Affect Autistic Kids? by Teresa J. Foden from the Interactive Autism Network.

My new book, Life with a Partner or Spouse with Asperger Syndrome: GOING OVER THE EDGE, discusses the fact that a relationship with a loved one with Asperger Syndrome is difficult. I use stories to share some of the struggles I’ve personally observed in families between siblings, mates, parents and children. My hope is to help teach these loved ones how to have successful relationships and to take control of their lives.

If you are interested in ordering your own copy of the book, please sign-up for my newsletter so I can contact as soon as the book becomes available. Continue to read my blog for more updates!

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