“Only the pregnant women showed gray matter reduction, thinning and changes in the surface area of the cortex in areas related to social cognition. Changes were so clear that imaging results alone could indicate which women had been pregnant. The researchers said they did not yet know what was being reduced in size: neurons, other brain cells, synapses or parts of the circulatory system.”
Researches are hypothesizing that the brain is pruning away portions of gray matter as a process of specialization, thereby increasing the mother’s ability to resonate with her baby.
Understanding this may also help us to understand Theory Of Mind when it comes to autism. If development of theory of mind is biologically important for the survival of a newborn, the lack of this vital element surely affect relationships in general.
What feels so natural to us NTs and especially to mothers is not learned, but biological. This means that we have to build “workarounds” with our Aspies if we are to communicate effectively.
If you’re a member of the Asperger Syndrome: Partners and Family of Adults with ASD, please join our low cost Video Conference on Thursday, January 12, 2017, at 9:00 AM. We’ll discuss “Theory of Mind is vital for survival”. This video call is an opportunity to learn more about the mind of your Aspie and how to reach them…but also to take better care of your need to connect with others who have a “theory of mind.”