The Danger Associated with Loneliness in Middle Age

Living alone or feeling lonely may have more dangers than we thought. New research is pointing to loneliness and isolation as a possible cause for premature death. The age group at the most risk? Middle age. Those living alone were more likely to die earlier of heart problems or stroke than those living with family or friends.

Psychological problems can lead to physical health problems like heart disease. If you live with someone, there is a greater chance of recognizing physical health problems. If you live alone, you might forget medication or even choose to ignore symptoms. Because of this research, doctors are being encouraged to ask patients about their living situation because it may give insight into their physical and emotional state. For more information on this research, read the article – Lonely? Your health may suffer

Of course there are many who live alone who are far from lonely. It’s possible to develop a warm social circle of friends and family members. On the other hand, you could live with someone and still be lonely! Whatever your circumstances, if you feel sad or lonely look for a mental health care professional in your area. Depression, anxiety, and stress are all issues that you can overcome with the aid of a professional. If you delay in taking action, it could have a negative impact on your health. Contact my office if you live in the Portland, Oregon/Vancouver, Washington area to make an appointment.

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