In the article, Tim Herrera refers to a recent challenge he gave his readers – do something that they’ve been putting off. Not surprisingly, some people responded that their one thing was an everyday life task. What did surprise him was how many people were moved to express long-overdue gratitude to people in their lives and how it profoundly moved them.
This article led me to reflect on what I’ve written previously about the power of gratitude. For your convenience, here is a roundup of some of my best:
What Our Words are Really Saying
Benefits to Forgiving and Forgetting
Neuroscience Proves Gratitude Is Good for You!
Reasons Why You Should Cultivate a Grateful Attitude
Four Easy Ways to Give Your Mood and Your Health a Boost
How to Change the Conversation at Work to be More Positive
Are You Managing Your Anxiety or Is Your Anxiety Managing You?
5 Ways to Ensure That a Mid-Life Change Doesn’t Turn Into a Crisis
6 Things Resilient Business Owners Never Do – Even on Very Bad Days
Tap into the Science and Power of Gratitude to Become Happier and More Resilient
Want to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions? Forget Willpower! Focus on Love Instead
As you scan this list, isn’t it interesting to see the different facets of life gratitude affects? If this article moves you to say an overdue thank you, please come over to my Facebook page and tell us how it impacts you and the recipient. I’m still pondering why the practice of saying “thank you” is fading. Do you think it’s because parents aren’t teaching their children the importance of it? Or do you think there’s another reason? Could it be another sign of Empathy Dysfunction? I’m anxious to hear your thoughts.