You’re Not Too Sensitive, It’s Verbal Abuse

I’d like to start by clarifying a common misconception: verbal abuse doesn’t include only cussing and swearing. If you have heard “You are too sensitive” before, you have probably been verbally abused. Name-calling classifies as verbal abuse too. The list is long. This is a tough subject but it’s time to bring it up, isn’t …


Overcoming Depression What is Depression? How do you know when you’re depressed? Everyone experiences some unhappiness or “the blues”, often due to a change, in the form of a setback or a loss. The painful feelings that accompany these changes are usually appropriate, necessary, and transitory and can even present an opportunity for personal growth. …


Managing Stress Life is filled with stress, which can be short-term (acute) or long-term (chronic). Acute stress is the reaction to an immediate threat, commonly known as the fight or flight response. The threat can be any situation that is experienced as a danger. Frequently, however, modern life poses on-going stressful situations that are not …


ADD in Adults What is ADD or ADHD? We hear about it all the time -in the news, from teachers and other parents – but what is it and how does it affect kids who have it? What do I do if my child is diagnosed with ADD?  The whole family needs to learn how …

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