“Asperger Syndrome” (ASD or High Functioning Autism) and Relationships

ASPERGER SYNDROME & RELATIONSHIPS: Life With an Adult on the Autism Spectrum One of my top priorities is treating “Asperger Syndrome” and relationships. “Asperger Syndrome” (AS) is the term applied to the high functioning end of what is known as the spectrum of pervasive developmental disorders or the Autism Spectrum. Currently the term “Asperger Syndrome” …

Smart and Autistic: What is Very High Functioning Autism?

High-functioning autism isn’t an official medical term or diagnosis. It’s an informal one some people use when they talk about people on the ASD Spectrum. Notably, they can function independently in today’s world, yet their social skills are lacking. And even though the American Psychiatric Association grouped autism related disorders on a Spectrum, I still …

Where on the Spectrum Should Narcissism Fall?

Both Narcissism and Autism are on a Spectrum. Narcissism is a personality disorder that ranges from mild to severe. And on the Autism Spectrum, “Asperger’s” is a high functioning form of Autism. Instead of listing Narcissism and autism on separate Spectrums, should they possibly be classified on the same Spectrum? There is some merit to …

Loving a Partner with Autism: Dr. Kathy Interviewed on Autism Live Show

Recently, Shannon Penrod and Nancy Alspaugh-Jackson interviewed me on their online Autism Live Show. I shared with them that I’m not really an expert on autism, but how I became interested in Asperger Syndrome, when I discovered my 13 year old daughter was on the Spectrum. As any mom would do, I buried myself in …

Girls with Autism – They’re Different than Boys with Autism

Historically it’s been thought that autism is four times more common in boys than in girls. However, studies are now suggesting that the true ratio is one in two. Why the shift?The current methods for diagnosing autism are skewed toward how autism affects boys. To be diagnosed with autism or Asperger’s, girls need to display …

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